Short-term opportunities
@YWAMDC & David's Tent DC
Short-term opportunities
@YWAMDC & David'sTentDC
Join Us and Impact the Nations

Impartation Weeks
Next: June 2-7, 2024
Twice a year we invite world changers (like you) to be part of our community for a week of training and impartation. Learn what the Lord has taught us about being a 24/7 prayer community in a gateway city like DC. Be inspired to bring the fire with you, wherever the Lord leads!
Nuevo Fuego
Next: June 12th-27th & July 3rd-18th
Starting in July '22, when our team sparked 24/7 prayer in Ponce, Puerto Rico, we look for opportunities to spread the FUEGO through training and outreach. Email us for details about future trips to Puerto Rico or similar short-term opportunities.
Cost: $800 + your DC to Puerto Rico round-trip ticket (estimated $500-$700)

Mission Adventures
This unique opportunity for youth groups to walk in a deeper relationship with Jesus. Through Faith Classes, Team Building, Worship, Intercession, and Outreach these customizable experiences can be tailored to your schedule and group.
From housing, food, and even itineraries, the YWAMDC staff is all about creating life-changing experiences in our nation’s capital.
David's Tent DC Volunteer
Whether you want to serve for an event or simply develop your heart of worship, we invite you to join us for a season. Take a sabbatical or dedicate a school break to the Lord. Be set apart to lift up King Jesus in our nation’s capital and join the collective chorus.